I recently noticed a vertical green line running from top to bottom on my iPhone. After researching this defect I found that the cause is due to the new diamond subpixel pattern on the iPhone X screen first where all green subpixels appear in straight lines (this was first introduced in the iPhone X). Online reports speculate that an electrical fault in the logic board could cause voltage to flow to all green pixels in a line.

iPhone Touchscreen Module Replacement Program
Due to known iPhone X touchscreen defects Apple launched a program that covers replacing the display module for touchscreen issues. The program addresses the following cases:
- Touchscreen does not respond
- Touchscreen responds intermittently
- Touchscreen reacts even though it was not touched
This program offers to replace the iPhone X display module for free.
Apple’s Response to iPhone X Green Line Defect
Thinking that the annoying green line constantly appearing on my iPhone was related to this known touchscreen defect, I called Apple Support. After spending 90 minutes on the phone with multiple agents this is what I learned.
- There is no program that covers the iPhone X green line issue (the touchscreen program covers cases where the touchscreen is not responding)
- Apple was willing to inspect my phone for free. I could send my iPhone Xto Apple by mail or take it into an Apple Store. If I sent the phone in by mail I would be required to pay $550 upfront, which is the iPhone X replacement cost
- After inspecting my phone Apple support would email me with the estimated repair cost and provide me an option to have the phone returned to me at no cost
- The agent added that there is a difference between the touchscreen module (covered by the replacement program) and the OLED display
- He believed that the cause of the iPhone green line on screen defect was between the logic board and the OLED display, which is usually a high cost repair.
- The agent speculated that I dropped the phone at one point, which damaged the logic board thereby causing the constant voltage flow to the OLED display resulting in the line of green pixels being continuously activated.
Options for Fixing iPhone X Green Line Issue
Fortunately the green line on my iPhone X screen is thin and only on the far left of the screen. While the line is distracting, it does not render the phone unusable. I have seen images online where some iPhones have a thick line in the center of the screen. Based on my research the options are:
- Get your phone inspected by Apple (in store or by mail) and pay the replacement cost
- Find a third party service company like Ubreakifix that may repair the phone at a lower cost
- Buy a new phone and sell this one
For those that might have cell phone damage and replacement insurance with their credit card (Chase Ink, Navy Federal Visa, American Express premium cards), you could attempt to file a claim with your bank which covers damage to your cell phone (usually a $50-100 deductible).
Same thing. Furious that Apple is taking such poor care of its customers. Looking into a class action.